Kerry Siders - Extension Agent Integrated Pest Management-Hockley and Cochran Counties
- Office:
- Ballinger
- Email:
- k-siders@tamu.edu
- Phone:
- 806-894-3159
- Undergraduate Education
- B.S. – Texas A&I University 1987 – Plant and Soil Science
- Graduate Education
- M.S. – Texas Tech University, 1989 – Crop Science (Weeds)
1990-1993 Extension Agent Pest Management, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Castro and Lamb Counties.
1993-1995 County Extension Agent – Agriculture, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Floyd County.
1995-1996 County Extension Agent – Agriculture, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Terry County
1996-Present Extension Agent Integrated Pest Management, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Hockley and Cochran Counties.
IPM Unit Description:
Hockley and Cochran County farmers have planted over 384,000 acres of cotton and over 15,000 acres of peanuts per year in recent years (NASS 10 and 9-yr averages). The average value of these crops has been over $112.6 million and $9.7 million per year, cotton and peanuts respectively. Mr. Siders has educated row crop producers since 1996 in these counties. He worked with producers helping ensure the success of boll weevil eradication, an effort which has had a multi-million dollar impact in his counties. He assisted with the introduction and expansion of sub-surface drip irrigation, introduction of peanuts, and shifts in cropping patterns (including the adoption of genetically modified crops), efforts which have also had multi-million dollar impacts in Hockley and Cochran Counties and have conserved precious natural resources. Weed management has been another of Mr. Sider’s areas of emphasis. He has conducted weed population survey work noting shifts in weed species and other weed dynamics as weed control technology has changed. His weed management work has emphasized integrated use of herbicides with other methods of management. Management of southern root-knot nematode in cotton has been another area of emphasis.
Meetings and Publications:
Over 440 county, state and local presentations
6 Extension Publications
50 Radio programs per year.
13 Goldmine Web Based Publications
15 West Plains IPM Update Newsletters each year
Quarterly CEA- Ag Newsletters (1993-1996)
IPM Annual Reports (1990-1993 and 1996 – present)
11 Scout Training Presentations
Collaborative Work:
Member; Levelland Chamber of Commerce Agricultu Levelland Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Committee, High Plains Association of Crop Consultants Committee – Advisor, Extension Performance Appraisal Committee – Agents, Precision Agriculture Initiative Review Committee, High Plains Cotton Advisory Group, West Texas Agricultural Chemicals Institute Board, South Plains District CRP Utilization Committee, South Plains District Extension Agronomist Search Committees, Plains Cotton Growers, Grain Sorghum Producer’s Board, Levelland Farmers Coop, United Cotton Growers.
Scholarly Presentations:
44 Presentations at regional (33), state (8) and national meetings (3).
Siders, K. 1995. Venice Mallow Control in Texas High Plains Cotton. National Cotton Council, Beltwide Cotton Conference.
Siders, K. 1999. Weed Scouting. Texas IPM State Advisory Board Meeting.
Siders, K. 2000. Implementing IPM Weed Scouting. Texas Pest Management Association Annual Meeting.
Siders, K. 2000. Remote Sensing IPM Scouting. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants Annual Meeting.
Siders, K. 2002. Using Remote Sensing Infrared Photography as an Insect Scouting Tool. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants Annual Meeting.
Siders, K. 2002. Using Remote Sensing Infrared Photography as an Insect Scouting Tool. Texas IPM Conference.
Siders, K. 2003. Quantitative Survey of Weeds. Texas IPM Conference.
Siders, K. 2004. IPM Pest Control for the Home Day Care. High Plains association of Home Day Care. Invited presentation.
Siders, K. 2004. IPM Issues for the Southern High Plains of Texas. Texas Agricultural Industries Association Annual Meeting. Invited presentation.
Siders, K. 2005. Pink Bollworm Management. Texas Agriculture Industries Association Annual Meeting. Invited presentation.
Siders, K. 2008. Using Nematicides for Southern Root Knot Nematode Management on Southern High Plains of Texas. National Cotton Council, Beltwide Cotton Conference.
Siders, K. 2009. The Use of Nematicides to Manage Southern Root-knot Nematodes on the Southern High Plains of Texas. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants. Invited presentation.
Siders, K.T. 2009. Using nematicides for southern root knot nematode management in the High Plains of Texas. National Cotton Council, Beltwide Cotton Conference.
Dotray, P.A., L.V. Gilbert, K.T. Siders, S.A. Russell and M.G. Cattaneo. 2010. Peanut Response to Flumioxazin in the Texas High Plains. Southern Weed Science Soc. Little Rock, AR. Jan., 2010.
Siders, K. 2011. IPM Strategies and Issues. Texas Agricultural Industries Association Annual Meeting. Invited presentation.
Siders, K. 2011. The impact of Temik 15G on the Southern High Plains of Texas. National Cotton Council, Beltwide Cotton Conference. Invited presentation.
Recent IPM Emphasis and Accomplishments:
In the fall of 2010, surveys were sent to 50 Hockley and Cochran County producers. Sixteen surveys were returned (32%). The surveys indicated high use of IPM with 87% of respondents reporting using field scouting. All respondents said IPM reduced their risk and increased their net profit. Seventy-three percent said the IPM program helped them evaluate and adopt new technology. The responding growers reported that the IPM program was worth an average of $61.35 per acre to them. If the survey respondents’ estimate of the value of the program is accurate, and it is applicable to all cotton producers in the county, Mr. Siders’ program has an economic impact of $23.5 million per year.
Scholarly Publications:
Keeling, W. and K. Siders. 1991. Palmer amaranth control in a conservation tillage system for cotton. Weed Technology. 5:137-141.
Siders, K. and P. Dotray. 1995. Venice Mallow Control in Texas High Plains Cotton. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. D.A. Richter and J. Armour (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 610-611.
Doederlein, T., B. Baugh, G. Cronholm, C. Crumley, R.Graves, P. Kidd, M. Logan, G. Schuster and K. Siders. 1998. Evaluation of boll weevil overwintering on the Texas High Plains through habitat sampling. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1016-1919.
Wheeler, T. B. Baugh, H. Kaufman, G. Schuster and K. Siders. 1999. Comparision of variable and single-rate applications of aldicarb on cotton yield in fields infested with Melodogyne incognita. Journal of Nematology. 31 (45):701-708.
Bronson, K.F., J.W. Keeling, T. Wheeler, R.J. Lascano, P. Dotray, A. Brashears, S. Searcy, K. Siders, J.D. Booker, J. Booker, R.K. Boman, H. Li and T. Chua. 2001.On-farm testing of site-specific management for irrigated cotton. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D. Richter, (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. p. 567.
Pietrantonio, P.V., T. Junek, R. Baker, G. Cronholm, D. Fromme, G. Moore, D. Mott, R.R.
Minzenmayer, E. Nino, J. Norman, R. Parker, R.P. Porter, K. Siders, N. Troxclair and C. Sansone. 2004. Monitoring for pyrethroid resistance in bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) in Texas 2003. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. D. Richter, ed. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp 1641-1648.
Baugh, B.A., J.F. Leser, T.A. Doederlein, and K. Siders. 2005. Managing cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains and Trans Pecos areas of Texas. Publication E-6. Texas Cooperative Extension. (rev.) 16 pages.
Pietrantonio, P.V., T. Junek, R. Parker, E. Bynum, G. Cronholm, G. Moore, D. Mott, C. Sansone, K. Siders, and N. Troxclair. 2006. Monitoring for pyrethroid resistance in bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) in Texas -2005. In: Proc Beltwide Cotton Conf. Duggar, P. and D. Richter eds. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp 1241-1256.
Pietrantonio, P.V., T.A. Junek, R. Parker, D. Mott, K. Siders, N. Troxclair, J. Vargas-Camplis, J.K. Westbrook and V.A. Vassiliou. 2007. Detection and evolution of resistance to the pyrethroid cypermethrin in Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) populations in Texas. Environ. Entomol. 36:1174-1188.
Pietrantonio, P.V., T.A. Junek, R. Parker, E. Bynum, G. Cronholm, G. Moore, D. Mott, C. Sansone, K. Siders and N. Troxclair. 2007. Monitoring for pyrethroid resistance in the bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) in Texas, 2005. Suggestions for resistance monitoring and collaborative research. Plant Health Progress, On-line J. of Plant Management Network). http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/guidelines/types/#Management. 7pp.
Junek, T.A. P.V. Pietrantonio, B.W. Hopkins, E. Bynum, M. Cattaneo, G. Cronholm, T.X. Liu, R.R. Minzenmayer, G. Moore, D. Mott, R. Parker, C.G. Sansone, K. Siders, N. Troxclair and J. Vargas-Camplis. 2008. Monitoring for pyrethroid resistance in bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) populations in Texas and Tamaulipas, Mexico – 2007. In: Proc Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman, D. Richter and B. Robertson eds. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp 1241-1256.
Kerns, D., M. Parajulee, M. Vandiver, M. Cattaneo and K. Siders. 2009. Developing an action level for thrips in the Texas High Plains. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman, D. Richter and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 734-740.
Pietrantonio, P.V., B.W. Hopkins, J.L. Moore, A. Abrameit, E. Bynum, G. Cronholm, T.X. Liu,
R.R. Minzenmayer, G. Moore, R.D. Parker, C.G. Sansone, K. Siders, N. Troxclair and J. Vargas-Camplis. 2009. Monitioring pyrethroid resistance in bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) populations in Texas and Tamaulipas, Mexico – 2008. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp 1241-1256.
Kerns, D., M. Parajulee, E. Bynum, M. Vandiver, M. Cattaneo, K. Siders and D. Patman. 2010. Developing an action threshold for thrips in the Texas High Plains. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 880-885.
Muegge, M., D. Kerns, M. Parajulee, M. Vandiver, W. Multer, E. Nino, D. Patman, S. Russell and K. Siders. 2010. Development of a binomial sampling plan to estimate thrips populations in cotton to aid IPM decision making. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. S. Boyd, M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.).National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1013-1016.
Patman, D., D. Kerns, B. Baugh, and K. Siders. 2010. Potential of Diamond insecticide for Lygus management in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 820-824.
Kerns, D., M. Parajulee, M. Vandiver, M. Cattaneo, K. Siders and D. Patman. 2011. Developing an action threshold for thrips in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.).National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1079-1085.
Muegge, M., D. Kerns, M. Vandiver, W. Multer, T. Doederlein, D. Patman, S. Russell, K. Siders, C. Multer and M. Parajulee. 2011. Comparison of sampling methods, and sample plans for thrips in cotton. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.).National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 799-803.
Pietrantonio, P.V. D.H. Kim, L. Castillo, L. Nemik, S. Singh, R.D. Parker, B. Reed, K. Siders, M. Cattaneo, M. Vandiver and N. Troxclair. 2011. Texas resistance monitoring program reveals increase in cypermethrin susceptibility in Heliocoverpa zea (Boddie) populations in 2010. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1100-1110.
4-H Adult Leader of the Year, Floyd County, 1994.
Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence, AgriPartners Recognition, 1995
Texas County Agricultural Agent’s Association Result Demonstration Award, 1995 & 1991
Outstanding South Plains Extension District IPM Report 2000,1999, 1998, 1993, 1992 & 1991
Outstanding South Plains Extension District Result Demonstration/Applied Research
Reports, 1998, 1995, 994, 1993, 1992 & 1991
Extension Weed Science Education Award, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, 1994
Excellence in IPM Programming Award, Texas Pest Management Association, 1998, 2002
Agriculture Person of the Year, Levelland Chamber of Commerce, 1999
Outstanding IPM Specialist Award, Texas Pest Management Association, 1999
Outcome Program Award – Agriculture/IPM 2001, 4-H/Youth 2003
Outstanding High Plains Cotton Agent Award, Plains Cotton Growers, 2003
Award for Superior Service, Texas Cooperative Extension, 2004
Outstanding Interdisciplinary Program Award, 2006
Distinguished Achievement Award for Extesnion Agent, TCE Specialists Association, 2007
Outstanding State IPM Program Award, Southern IPM Center, 2008
Outstanding Multi-County Ag Programming Award (IPM Radio Reports), D-2 May 2011
Outstanding IPM Newsletter Award, D-2 May 2011