Bill Ree - Extension Program Specialist II – IPM Statewide Pecan IPM Programming (Bryan, TX)
- Office:
- 1470 William D. Fitch Parkway College Station, TX 77843-2150
- Email:
- w-ree@tamu.edu
- Phone:
- 979-458-0335
- Undergraduate Education
- BS – Oklahoma State University 1976 – Forestry
- Graduate Education
- MS – Oklahoma State University 1980 – Entomology
- 1981 – 1988 Extension Agent IPM, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service
- 1988 – 2006 Extension Agent IPM, Texas Cooperative Extension
- 2006 – Present Extension Program Specialist II – IPM (Pecans), Texas AgriLife Extension Service
- Hundreds of county state and local presentations including Texas Pecan Growers Annual Meeting
- 7 Extension Publications
- Monthly articles for Pecan South magazine
- Quarterly articles for The Pecan Grower
- 7-8 Pecan IPM Newsletters each year
- Pecan Kernel website
Texas Pecan Growers Association, Western Pecan Growers Association, USDA-ARS, Oklahoma State University, Boston University, Louisiana State University, Pecan Kernel, Pecan ipmPIPE website, PNCforcast website
45 presentations at state, national, and international professional meetings
Career IPM Emphasis and Accomplishments:
Development and delivery of pecan IPM information to help pecan growers manage pests in an economically effective and least environmentally disruptive manner. Body of work has included all important insect pests of pecans in the southern and southwestern US, insect and disease complexes, new invasive pests of pecan and changes in pecan pest status. It has also included impact of the impact of trap crops, cover crops, non-toxic management approaches and biologically based insecticides and how these tools can be used in conventional and organic pecan production.
Computer based systems to deliver educational and time-specific management information have been an important focus of the Pecan IPM program. A recent survey has shown that the availability of good information predicting when pecan nut casebearer will begin to cause damage in pecan orchards each year helps producers to prevent losses of $277 per acre. Though the system is being utilized across pecan producing areas of the US, the potential economic impact just on Texas improved pecan orchards by the survey estimates was over $22 million. In addition, the survey indicated that users of the web based programs were able to reduce insecticide application costs by $96 per acre and survey participants estimated the value of the prediction system on reduction in pesticide use on natural enemies and other factors was of $137 per acre.
Sharpiro-Ilan, D. I., T.E. Cotrell, W.A. Gardner, R.W. Behle, B. Ree and M.K. Harris. 2009. Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi in suppressing pecan weevil, Curculio caryae (Coleoptera: Curculionadae), in commercial pecan orchards. Southwestern Entomol. 34: 111-120.
Ree, Bill, Alexandra Gomezplata and Marvin Harris, 2006, Producer adoption of pecan IPM in Texas. Southwestern Entomol. 31: 322 – 335.
Harris, M., Allen Knutson, Alejandro Calixto, Allen Dean, Lisa Brooks and Bill Ree. 2003. Impact of red imported fire ant on foliar herbivores and natural enemies. SW Entomol. Suppl. 27, pp123-134.
Stevenson, D.E. A.E. Knutson, W. Ree, J. A. Jackman, A. Dean, J. H. Matis, J. McVay, M. Nesbit, R. Mizell, J. Dutcher, W. Reid, M. Hall, D. Barlow, M.T. Smith, P. Mulder, M.W. Smith, J.G. Millar, and M.K. Harris, 2003. Pecan nut casebear pheromone monitoring and degree -day model validation across the pecan belt. SW Entomol. Suppl. No. 27, pp. 57-73.
Harris, M., Bill Ree, John Cooper, John Jackman, Joni Young, Ronald Lacewell, and Allen Knutson, 1998, “Economic Impact of Pecan Integrated Pest Management Implementation in Texas”, J.Econ Entomol., 91:1011 – 1020.
2008 Southern Region IPM Center Outstanding State IPM Program Award (Team)
2008 Southern Region IPM Center, Friend of IPM Educator Award, (Co- recipient with Dr. Marvin Harris, Texas AgriLife Research)
2005 Excellence in IPM Programming Award, Texas Pest Management Association
2000 Outstanding Educator Award, Texas Pecan Growers Association
1995 CLEAN TEXAS 2000 Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence (Agriculture, Team)
1995 Texas Agricultural Extension Service Superior Service Award (Team)
1995 TAMUS Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence (Interdisciplinary Team)