Tommy Doederlein - Extension Agent-IPM – Dawson and Lynn Counties
- Office:
- Lamesa, Texas
- Email:
- TDoederl@ag.tamu.edu
- Phone:
- 806-872-5978
- Undergraduate Education
- BS – Texas Tech University, 1988 – Animal Production
- Graduate Education
- MS – Texas Tech University, 1991 – Entomology
1992 – Present Extension Agent-IPM Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Dawson and Lynn Co.s
IPM Unit Description:
Dawson and Lynn counties are located on the Southern High Plains at the northern edge of the Permian Basin. The primary industries in the two-county area are dry-land cotton production and oil and gas production. Farmers in the Dawson-Lynn IPM unit plant almost 600,000 acres of cotton per year (10-year average) and the average value of the cotton they produce is $141 million (NASS 2011).
Meetings and Publications:
2,000+ local and regional presentations at grower and youth meetings
30 presentations at state, national and international meetings
8 Numbered Extension Publications
Selected Publications:
Doederlein, T., M. Cattaneo, J.B. Pierce and W. Multer. 2011. Pink Bollworm Trapping in the Southern Plains of Texas and New Mexico. Southwestern Branch Entomological Society of America. Amarillo, TX. March 9, 2011.
Collaborative Work:
Lamesa Cotton Growers, Plains Cotton Growers, Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation, Texas AgriLife Research and Extension, Texas Tech University, Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce, Mesa Underground Water District, Texas Department of Agriculture, Cotton Incorporated, Texas Pest Management Association, High Plains Association of Crop Consultants, Dawson County Ag. Committee, Dawson-Lynn County IPM Committee and West Texas Agricultural Chemical Institute.
Scholarly Presentations:
54 international, national, state and local scholarly presentations since 1994
Eight Beltwide Cotton Conference (national level) COTMAN workshops (2002-2010)
Selected Presentations:
Doederlein, T. 1990. Host Preference for Thrips (Thysanoptera) Associated with Weeds and Onions on the Texas High Plains. Entomol. Soc. America. New Orleans, LA.
Doederlein, T. 1995. Host Preference for Thrips (Thysanoptera) Associated with Weeds and Onions on the Texas High Plains. Joint Southwestern Branch Entomol. Soc. America and Soc. Mex. Entomol. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, MX.
Doederlein, T. 1995. Boll Weevil Trapping and Leaf Litter Sampling Data. Texas A&M Guide Revision and Information Exchange Conf. College Station, TX. Oct., 1995.
Doederlein, T. 1999. Boll Weevil Management in West Texas – Southern High Plains Cotton. West Texas Ag Expo. Jan. 1999.
Doederlein, T. 1999. Early, Mid and Late Season Boll Weevil Management. Plains Cotton Growers Annual Meeting and Gin Show. Lubbock, TX. March, 1999.
Doederlein, T. 2000. Beet Armyworm Control in Dryland Cotton Production in the Texas High Plains. Farmer Stockman Show. Lubbock, TX. Oct., 2000.
Doederlein, T. 2000. Do Terminal Infestations of Cotton Aphids Affect Ling Quality or Yield? IPM Workshop – Texas Pest Management Association. Padre Island, TX. Feb., 2000.
Doederlein, T. 2000. Effects of Early Season Aphid Infestations of the Cotton Plant Terminal. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants. Lubbock, TX. March, 2000.
Doederlein, T. 2001. Beet Armyworm Management and Control in Dryland Cotton Production in the Texas High Plains. Lubbock, TX. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants. March, 2001.
Doederlein, T. 2001. Beet Armyworm Control Through Center Pivot Chemigation. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants. Lubbock, TX. March, 2001.
Doederlein, T. 2003. COTMAN – How to Adapt It’s Use into a Field Scouting Program. Soutwest Consultants Annual Meeting. South Padre Island, TX. Jan. 2003.
Doederlein, T. 2003. Optimizing Ground Applications for Delivering Low-rate Pesticides. IPM Workshop – Texas Pest Management Association. Lubbock, TX. Feb., 2003.
Doederlein, T. 2004. Cotton Plant Compensation for Early Season Injury. IPM Workshop – Texas Pest Management Association. Austin, TX. Feb. 2004.
Doederlein, T. 2004. When is the Proper Time for Terminating Late Season Irrigation. IPM Workshop – Texas Pest Management Association. Austin, TX. Feb. 2004.
Doederlein, T. 2004. Plant Response to Pre-bloom Square Loss and Its Relevance to Cotton Fleahopper and Lygus Bug Management in West Texas. Cotton Incorporated State Support Committee. Lubbock, TX. Dec., 2004.
Doederlein, T. 2005. Terminating LEPA Irrigation using COTMAN. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants. Lubbock, TX. March, 2005.
Doederlein, T. 2005. Basics of Bees. Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation Training – Permian Basin Zone. Lamesa, TX. March, 2005.
Deoderlein, T. 2006. Effects of Harvest Aids on Hailed on Late Season Cotton. Cotton Physiology Conf. Austin, TX. Feb. 2008.
Doederlein, T. 2008. Dryland Seeding Rate and Planting Pattern in the High Plains of Texas. Cotton Physiology Conf. Austin, TX. Feb. 2008.
Doederlein, T., M. Cattaneo, J.B. Pierce and W. Multer. 2011. Pink Bollworm Trapping in the Southern Plains of Texas and New Mexico. Southwestern Branch Entomological Society of America. Amarillo, TX. March 9, 2011.
Recent IPM Emphasis and Accomplishments:
The Dawson-Lynn County IPM program focuses on developing and delivering educational programming to farmers and others in the community. Program efforts have focused on supporting grower sustainability in this dry-land agricultural system. Through plant mapping, variety testing, pest and threshold research and education and other crop management education, the IPM Agent has supported farmers and others involved in agriculture. In recent years, Mr. Doederlein has assisted growers by implementing a deep soil testing program for residual nitrogen. The program has helped farmers save money on fertilizer and it has supported their efforts to be good stewards of the environment.
In the fall of 2010 a survey was conducted to evaluate the Dawson – Lynn IPM Program. Collectively, the respondents said the average value of the IPM program on their farms was $42.50 per acre. Assuming the respondents’ estimate accurately reflects what other growers in the IPM unit think, the Dawson – Lynn IPM program is worth $25.5 million per year to farmers in the unit.
Scholarly Publications:
Doederlein, T. 1991. Host Preference of Trips’ (Thysanoptera) Associated with Weed and Onions on the Southern High Plains. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University. Lubbock, TX.
Doederlein, T. and R.W. Sites 1993. Host preference of Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) for onions and associated weeds on the Southern High Plains. J. Econ. Entomol. 86(6):1706-1713.
Doederlein, T., B. Baugh, G. Cronholm, C. Crumley, R.Graves, P. Kidd, M. Logan, G. Schuster and K. Siders. 1998. Evaluation of boll weevil overwintering on the Texas High Plains through habitat sampling. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1016-1919.
Doederlein, T. 1998. Evaluation of Regent (fipronyl) for the control of cotton fleahoppers. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1223-1226.
Boman, R., M. Kelley and T. Doederlein. 1999. Effects of Prep and Finish on agronomic characteristics of cotton in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. p. 568.
Baugh, B., R. Boman, J. Leser, T. Doederlein, and J. Patterson. 2001. Validation of the COTMAN rules in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 481-485.
Doederlein, T., B. Baugh, G. Cronholm, C. Crumley, J. Leser, J. Patterson, C. Riley and S. Russell. 2001. Beet armyworm and cabbage looper trials in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1000-1006.
Doederlein, T., B. Baugh, J.F. Leser, R. Bowman and P. Tugwell. 2002. Plant response to different levels of pre-bloom square removal and its relevance to plant bug management. . In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. J. McRae and D.A. Richter (eds). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN.
Baugh, B., J.F. Leser, R. Boman and T. Doederlein. 2003. Plant response t different levels of square removal and its relevance to plant bug management. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. D.A. Richter (ed.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1131-1137.
Doederlein, T., B. Baugh, J.F. Leser and R. Boman. 2003. Effect of planting date on economics of early season square protection as monitored by COTMAN. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. D.A. Richter (ed.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1126-1130.
Doederlein, T., B. Baugh, R. Boman, and D. Porter. 2004. Timing the last irrigation using COTMAN in a LEPA irrigation system. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. D.A. Richter (ed.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 2285-2287.
Leser, J.F., B. Baugh, R. Boman, and T. Doederlein. 2004. Are COTMAN’s compensation capacity values set too low? In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. D.A. Richter (ed.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 2182-2188.
Doederlein, T., R. Boman, M. Kelley and M. Stelter. 2005. Effects of harvest aids on late-season hailed on cotton in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 2183-2184.
Stelter, M.T., M. Kelley, R. Boman, K. Lewis, E. Nino, S. Young, S. Davis and T. Doederlein. 2005. Large-plot replicated dryland systems cultivar trials in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. P. Dugger and D.A. Richter (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 1013.
Boman, R., M. Kelley and T. Doederlein. 2009. Dryland seeding rate by planting pattern trials in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. S. Boyd, M. Huffman, D. Richter and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 30-31.
Doederlein, T., D. Kerns and B. Baugh. 2010. Impact of pre-bloom square loss on yield in late planted cotton in the Texas High Plains. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. S. Boyd, M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 913-917.
Deoderlein, T., D. Kerns, B. Baugh, and D. Patman. 2011. Ability of cotton to compensate for early-season fruit loss and impact on yield and lint quality. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. S. Boyd, M. Huffman, D. Richter and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 819-824.
Muegge, M., D. Kerns, M. Vandiver, W. Multer, T. Doederlein, D. Patman, S. Russell, K. Siders, C. Multer and M. Parajulee. 2011. Comparison of sample methods and sample plans for thrips in cotton. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. S. Boyd, M. Huffman, D. Richter and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 799-803.
Multer, W., T. Doederlein, M. Cattaneo, J. Pierce, C. Allen, R. Zink, M. Walters, D. Kerns and J. Westbrook. 2011. Pink bollworm trapping in the Southern Plains of Texas and New Mexico. In Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. S. Boyd, M. Huffman, D. Richter and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. pp. 753-757.
1995 Excellence in IPM Programming. Texas Pest Management Association.
1995 Clean Texas 2000 – Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence (Agriculture) (Team).
1995 Superior Service Award. Texas Agricultural Extension Service. (Team Award).
1995 Texas A&M University System’s Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence. (Multi-Disciplinary Team.
1996 Outstanding High Plains Cotton Agent Award. Plains Cotton Growers.
1996 Outstanding South Plains District IPM Result Demonstration Handbook. Plains Cotton Growers, Texas Corn Producers Board, Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Association, West Texas Agricultural Chemical Institute, Texas Peanut Producers Board and Western Peanut Growers Association.
1999 Outstanding South Plains District IPM Result Demonstration Handbook. Plains Cotton Growers, Texas Corn Producers Board, Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Association, West Texas Agricultural Chemical Institute, Texas Peanut Producers Board and Western Peanut Growers Association.
2000 Outstanding South Plains District IPM Result Demonstration Handbook – Two Agent Category. Plains Cotton Growers, Texas Corn Producers Board, Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Association, West Texas Agricultural Chemical Institute, Texas Peanut Producers Board and Western Peanut Growers Association.
2001 Outstanding South Plains District IPM Result Demonstration Applied Research Annual Report. Plains Cotton Growers, Texas Corn Producers Board, Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Association, West Texas Agricultural Chemical Institute, Texas Peanut Producers Board and Western Peanut Growers Association.
2001 Second Place Result Demonstration Handbook Award – Two Agent Counties. Texas AgriLife Extension.
2001 South Plains District Agriculture and Natural Resources Multi-County Program Award (Team). Texas AgriLife Extension.
2003 Excellence in IPM Programming, Texas Pest Management Association.
2003 Outstanding South Plains District IPM Result Demonstration Applied Research Annual Report. Plains Cotton Growers, Texas Corn Producers Board, Texas Grain Sorghum
Producers Association, West Texas Agricultural Chemical Institute, Texas Peanut Producers Board and Western Peanut Growers Association.
2004 Outstanding High Plains Cotton Agent Award. Plains Cotton Growers.
2004 South Plains District Community and Economic Development Multi-County Award (Team). Texas AgriLife Extension.
2008 Friends of Southern IPM – Outstanding State IPM Program Award., Southern Region IPM Center.
2009 South Plains District Outstanding Multi-County Agriculture Program Award (Team). Texas AgriLife Extension