Issues and Needs for the next 3-5 years
- Deliverable Decision Models – Computerized
- Remote Information/Sensing
- Interactive Communication
- Beneficial Arthropods
- Scouting Methods/Information
- Field/Lab Tests
- Insecticide Resistance
- Levels of Resistance Research
- Yellow Aphids
- Scab
- Pecan Nut Casebearer
- Pecan Weevil
- Resistance Management Education
- Pecan Yield and Quality
- Economics of Pests on Production
- Insects
- Pecan Nut Casebearer
- Black Margined Aphid
- Yellow Aphid
- Stink Bug
- Pecan Weevil
- Diseases
- Zylella Leaf Scorch
- Black Kernel
- Management of Alternate Bearing
- Pest Damage to Thin Nut Set – Optimize Production
- Thinning
- Cultural Practices
- Weeds
- Insecticide Evaluation/Education
- Residual
- Education – Pesticide Brand Names & Active Ingredients
- Other Issues
- Interplant Legumes for N Supplementation
- Scouting Education
- Research Involving Produces in Data Collection
- Systems for Information Delivery to Growers
- Cell Phone
- Blogs
- E-mail Pest Alerts
- Research/Education on Management Across Soils
- Education Regarding Varieties and Production