Hillsboro, Texas
Extension Agent IPM – Hill and McLennan Counties
BS – Texas A&M, 1977 – Agronomy
BS – Texas A&M, 1979 – Entomology
1995-present Extension Agent IPM, Texas AgriLife Extension, Hill and McLennan Counties.
1987-1995 Turfgrass Supervisor, Southwest Turfgrass Farm and Sales
1981-1987 Agricultural Chemical Sales,Smith Company of Uvalde
1980-1981 Survey Technician, TexAg Consulting Service
Meetings and Publications:
7 Extension Publications
Over 40 educational programs for cotton, wheat and grain sorghum producers, consultants and
agricultural chemical people annually.
20-25 scout training sessions with cotton, grain sorghum and wheat scouts annually.
12-15 issues of newsletters with information on crop production annually.
Collaborative Work:
Blacklands Income Growth (BIG) Conference, Blackland Cotton and Grain, Texas Corn Producers, Seed and Agricultural Chemical Companies, USDA-ARS, USDA- APHIS, Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation, USDA-FSA, USDA-NRCS and area gins, grain companies and other agricultural businesses.
Scholarly Presentations:
Presentations at Texas A&M Entomology Science Conference.
Recent IPM Emphasis and Accomplishments:
Hill and McLennan Counties have diversified agricultural production. National Agricultural Statistics Service data (10-yr average 2001-10) indicates average crop plantings and value as follows: cotton 17,620 acres planted, value $5.2 million; corn 131,090 acres planted, value $22.2 million; grain sorghum 55,480 acres planted, value $10.2 million and wheat 77,900 acres planted, value $10.4 million. The average annual value of these crops was $48 million per year.
Mr. Jungman conducts result demonstration/applied research trials in cotton, corn, grain sorghum and wheat with primary emphasis on evaluating new varieties, IPM technology, chemicals and seed treatments and aflatoxin control in corn. In addition, he is responsible for conducting intensive IPM scouting programs in wheat, cotton and grain sorghum. He provides leadership in the development of the Blacklands Income Growth (BIG) Conference annually and he regularly assists homeowners with insect and disease problems.
Mr. Jungman’s variety screening results are used by growers each year as reference information helping them to select varieties and hybrids for use on their farms. He worked closely with boll weevil eradication interpreting the program to growers and working with them to ensure that stalks are destroyed in a timely manner after harvest. Information from applied research and demonstration work provides growers with locally developed information and best management practices to manage insect pests, diseases, weeds and other production issues.
In 2011 surveys growers estimated the average value of Mr. Jungman’s IPM program in cotton at $47.00 per acre, wheat at $10.61 per acre and grain sorghum at $22.78 per acre. If the survey results are applicable to all growers in Hill and McLennan counties, economic impacts on cotton are about $1.28 million, on wheat $435,000 and on grain sorghum $685,000 per year. Taken together, the surveys suggest Mr. Jungman’s IPM program has an economic impact of over $2.4 million per year to farmers in his counties.
Scholarly Publications:
Mott, D.A., R. Parker, S. Biles, D. Fromme, M. Jungman, R. Lemon, C.G. Sansone and M. Muegge. 2006. Evaluation of Gaucho Grande and other insecticides for management of early season insect pests in cotton across eastern Texas. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Huffman, M. and D. Richter (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. pp. 1556-1559.
Lemon, R.G., D.J. Pigg, M. Jungman and G. Jennings. 2007. Using herbicides for cotton stalk destruction. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman, D. Richter and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. pp 1775-1777.
Morgan, G.D., D. Mott, M. Jungman, J. Ott, J. Warren, D. Fromme and J. Grichar. 2010. Chemical stalk destruction of shredded and standing cotton stalks in various regions of Texas. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. p 183.
Isakeit, T., R. Minzenmayer, D. Drake, W. Multer, A. Abrameit, M. Jungman, C. Crossland, D. Campion, N. Fryar, G. Morgan and D. Mott. 2011. Flutriafol for control of Phymatotrichopsis root rot of cotton. In: Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Boyd, S., M. Huffman and B. Robertson (eds.). National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. p 207.
2008 Texas Wheat Producers Board & Assoc. County Agent of the Year
2008 Southern Region Integrated Pest Management Center, Outstanding IPM Program, Texas IPM Program.
2002 Texas Pest Mgmt. Association Outstanding Extension Agent-IPM
1999 McLennan County Result Demonstration Handbook Award
1998 TCAAA New Agent Recognition Award
1996 USDA Group Honor Award of Excellence