Our interns have various responsibilities, including scouting for pests, providing quality assurance for other scouts, and monitoring plant growth and development.
Interns also are responsible for data collection and summarizations and assisting with field demonstrations and research plots. All interns are expected to write a monthly and final report on their internship experiences.
Download 2017 Internship Application Here
Send resume to:
Dr. Charles Allen, Extension IPM Coordinator
7887 U.S. Highway 87 N.
San Angelo, TX 76901
For questions call (325)653-4576 or ctallen@ag.tamu.edu.
Internships are a great way to gain experience with working in the field and the lab, as well as meeting future contacts in various industries in pest management and agriculture.
Accepted students are employed by an Extension IPM professional or a local pest management committee.
Wages vary, but generally are in the range of $7.00 – $10.00, depending on experience. Most departments will also provide 3-4 hours of course credit for the internship experience.In addition to hourly wages, interns who successfully complete the internship and meet the objectives of the internship will be paid a training stipend at the end of the season.
The internships vary by location around Texas, with exact locations being determined by April. The length will vary somewhat depending upon location but will roughly begin after the end of the spring semester and end when classes begin in the fall. The internships generally last 10-16 weeks depending upon location.