How has IPM benefitted Texas crop producers?
IPM has helped producers increase net profits while reducing pesticide use and reducing production risks. Following are examples of results of evaluations conducted:
A 1994 survey of 637 crop producers in 25 Texas counties showed the following:
* 58% decreased pesticide use by an average of 29%
* 46% increased yields
* 65% increased net profits
* $106 million increase in net profits statewide
* $340 million statewide economic impact annually
A 1996 evaluation of the pecan IPM program documented:
* insecticide use reduced 35%
* fungicide use reduced 30%
* increased pecan yields
* $6.06 million annual economic benefit to producers
2002 Rio Grande Valley vegetable IPM- A recent article in the American Entomologist documented that 10 years of IPM research and education resulted in the following:
- 43% reduction in poundst of insecticide applied per acre
- 73% reduction in environmental risks associated with insecticide use
- 61% reduction in pounds of insecticides used per acre
- 77% reduction in environmental risks associated with insecticide use