Issues and Needs for the next 3-5 years
July 7, 2009
I. Economic Impact
- Weed Control and Resistance Management
- Buffalo Burr (Spanish Burr)
- Toothed Spurge
- Silverleaf Nightshade in Pastures
- Water Hemp
- Henbit
- Emerging Weed Problems
- Transgenic Cultivars – Economic Fit
- Alternative Crops and Management
- Sunflower (insect mgt.)
- Bailing Grain Crops or Stalks (wheat, corn, grain sorghum)
- Insect Management
- Scouting (cotton, corn, grain sorghum, wheat, sunflowers)
- Management Systems
- Stink Bugs
- Headworms (grain sorghum)
- Cotton Fleahopper
- Water Related Risk Management
- Tillage Systems
- Drought Tolerance
- Crop Selection
- Diseases
- Root Rot (cotton)
- Aflatoxin (corn)
- Rust (wheat)
- Internships – Developing Future Crop Management Professionals
II. Environmental Stewardship
- Soil/Water Conservation
- Tillage
- Fuel
- Education/Outreach
- Non-farm Audiences
- Farm Audiences