The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s new guide to cotton insect pest management is now available online. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo)
by Steve Byrns, Texas A&M AgriLife Communications
LUBBOCK – Entomologists with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service have just released a new statewide guide on managing cotton insect pests, said one of its authors.
Dr. Suhas Vyavhare, AgriLife Extension cotton entomologist at Lubbock, said The Cotton Insect Management Guide can be accessed online at http://bit.ly/2GZi5sI or can be downloaded free from the AgriLife Extension bookstore at http://bit.ly/2nToDAw .
“The new 42-page guide has all updated information along with a plethora of excellent pictures,” Vyavhare said. “It’s an excellent all-around resource for cotton growers throughout Texas.”
Vyavhare said the publication objectives are to describe the various economically damaging arthropod pests of cotton in Texas, including their associated damage to crop growth stages, then to describe the various sampling methods for these pests, and finally, to list the action thresholds and management tools for controlling each pest.
“The guide comes complete with updated information on Bt traits available on the market, their relative efficacy, and the list of suggested insecticides for each pest,” Vyavhare said. “It’s the most up-to-date, objective and comprehensive guide now available to Texas cotton farmers.”
For more information, contact Vyavhare at 806-746-6101, Suhas.Vyavhare@ag.tamu.edu or any AgriLife Extension entomologist or integrated pest management agent.